Friday, January 7, 2011

Tips for Getting Regular exercise Fitness

Studies have shown that regular exercise significantly increases life expectancy and improves overall health. Regular physical activity reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis.
Taking it slow and easy:
Walking offers the easiest, least expensive way to work out for most people. It's important to start out slowly if you have been inactive for a long period of time. It may be necessary for you to start with just 10 or 15 minutes and increase your walking as you feel able.
Back and neck stretch:
Stretching the back, neck and abdominal muscles before exercise can prevent sprained backs and necks.
Foot stretching:
Foot pain can be prevented by gently stretching the Achilles tendon. Pull your foot backward and hold for 10 seconds, repeat 10 times. Properly fitted and appropriate foot ware is also important in preventing foot injury.
Stretching muscles:
Gently stretch all major muscles prior to a workout to prevent muscle strains and pulls. Strengthen the muscles on the front of your thighs by contracting and relaxing the muscle with your knee straight. Contract to the count of ten and relax- repeat 10 times on each leg.
Shin stretching:
Shin injury can be prevented with a slow warm-up before and stretching following each workout. Proper arch support is also important as is a soft workout surface-- grass, instead of asphalt.
Elbow stretch:
Forearm strength can be built up by doing reverse curls with light weights or squeezing a rubber ball.
Swimming is probably the best overall activity for those who are afflicted by diseases of the bones and joints-- no stress is put on the joints and the water offers exceptional, non-stressful resistance.

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