Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ingrown Nail Ingrown Nail

Onychocryptosis, commonly known as ingrown nails (unguis incarnatus), is a common form of nail disease. It is a painful condition in which the nail grows or cuts into one or both sides of the nail bed. While ingrown nails can occur in both the nails of the hand and feet, they occur most commonly with toenails.


While many things can cause ingrown nails, the most common causes are improperly fitted shoes and nails that are improperly trimmed. Shoes or stockings that are too tight press on the sides of the nail, causing it to curl and dig into the skin.Nails that are cut too short, rounded off at the tip, or are peeled off at the edges versus being cut straight across are more likely to become ingrown as well. Other causes include an abnormally shaped nail bed, trauma to the nail plate or toe and other nail deformities. Proneness to nail deformities that cause ingrown nails can also be genetic.


Symptoms of an ingrown nail include pain along the margins of the nail, worsening of pain when wearing shoes or other tight articles, and sensitivity to pressure of any kind, even that of light bedding. By the very nature of the condition, ingrown nails become easily infected unless special care is taken to treat the condition early on and keep the area as clean as possible. Signs of infection include redness and swelling of the area around the nail, drainage of pus and/or a watery discharge tinged with blood.


Treatment of ingrown nails ranges from soaking the afflicted area to surgery. In mild cases, doctors recommend daily soaking of the foot or hand in a mixture of warm water and Epsom salts and applying over-the-counter antibiotics while allowing the nail to grow out so it may be trimmed properly. Another remedy is to file the top of the nail flat. This will cause the nail to contract and pull the ingrown sides up.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Causes of Watery Eyes

Watery eyes occur when there is too much tear production or poor drainage of the tear duct.


Tears are necessary for the normal lubrication of the eye and to wash away particles and foreign bodies.

Causes of watery eyes include:

* Allergy to mold, dander, dustAllergy to mold, dander, dust
* BlepharitisBlepharitis
* Blockage of the tear duct
* ConjunctivitisConjunctivitis
* Environmental irritants (smog or chemicals in the air, wind, strong light, blowing dust)
* Eyelid turning inward or outward
* Foreign bodies and abrasions
* Infection
* Inward-growing eyelashes
* Irritation

Increased tearing sometimes accompanies:

* Eyestrain
* Laughing
* VomitingVomiting
* YawningYawning

Oddly enough, one of the most common causes of excess tearing is dry eyes. Drying causes the eyes to become uncomfortable, which stimulates the body to produce too many tears. One of the main tests for tearing is to check whether the eyes are too dry.

Home Care

Consider the cause of the tearing. If the eyes feel dry and burn and then begin to tear, consider using artificial tears before tearing occurs. This prevents the reflex tearing.

If the eyes are itchy and uncomfortable, consider allergy as a cause. Over-the-counter antihistamines can be useful. A mucous discharge from the eyes or red eyes may indicate a blocked tear duct or eyelid problem.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Tearing is not an emergency, but it can be very annoying and usually can be treated.

Contact your health care provider if you have:

* Prolonged unexplained tearing
* Red eyes, excess discharge
* Tearing associated with pain in the eye
* Tearing associated with tenderness around the nose or sinuses

What to Expect at Your Office Visit

The doctor will take a medical history and examine your eyes.

Medical history questions documenting increased tearing may include:

* Time pattern
o When did it begin?
o Is this the first occurrence?
o Does it occur all the time or off and on?
o Is there a pattern to the occurrences?
* Quality
o Is your vision affected?
o Do you wear or need corrective lenses?
o Is the increased tearing related to emotional responses?
o Is the tearing accompanied by pain? Stinging? Itching?
o Is the fluid clear?
o Are your eyes red or swollen?
o Is drainage or crusting present when you wake up?
* Location
o Does increased tearing affect both eyes?
o If so, are they affected equally?
* Aggravating factors
o What seems to cause or increase the tearing?
o What medications are you taking?
o Do you have allergiesallergies?
o Are you often exposed to wind, dust, chemicals, sun, or light?
o Have you had any recent injuries to the eyes?
* Relieving factors
o What seems to help reduce the tearing?
o Have you tried eye solutions?
* Other
o What other symptoms do you have?
o Is there any loss of visionloss of vision?
o Have there been changes in visionchanges in vision?
o Do you have a headacheheadache?
o Do you have nasal congestionnasal congestion or a runny noserunny nose?
o Do you have joint achesjoint aches or muscle achesmuscle aches?
o Has anyone else had similar symptoms recently?

The physical examination may include a detailed eye examination.

Diagnostic tests that may be performed are:

* Culture and sensitivity testing of tear specimen
* Schirmer's testSchirmer's test


Once the symptoms are explained, the cause is usually clear. Treatment can include:

* Antibiotics
* Artificial tears
* Surgery
* Topical antihistamines

If you might have a blockage of the tear system, your doctor may use a probe to test the tear drainage system. This is painless. If you have a blockage, you may have surgery to correct the problem. Minor surgery can fix improper eyelid position.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Itching scalp

Dandruff describes scaling and itching of the skin on the scalp. Dandruff causes white flakes on the scalp. Medicated or anti-dandruff shampoos can help. Seborrhoeic dermatitis has similar symptoms to dandruff. Cradle cap in babies is a form of seborrhoeic dermatitis. Psoriasis can also cause an itchy scalp.

Dandruff (pityriasis capitis) is the term used to describe simple scaling of the skin on the scalp. About 50 per cent of the population suffers from dandruff. Applying simple oils (for example, bath oil) to the scalp can be useful in the treatment of dandruff.

Why dandruff occurs
The top layer of the skin is constantly being shed and renewed. Although this usually goes unnoticed when it occurs on most areas of the body, it may become more visible on the scalp as the hair traps the scaling skin.

Itching scalp
Itching scalp, with or without scaling, is a very common problem. It commonly occurs in middle aged people, for no obvious reason. The usual response is to scratch, and this will often cause scratch marks and little crusty sores throughout the scalp. Dandruff can cause itching scalp. There are also a number of less common skin conditions that can present as itching in the scalp.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis can cause itching scalp
Seborrhoeic dermatitis is the name given to a red, itchy, scaly reaction in the scalp. It is similar to dandruff, except the scale is more marked and the scalp is often inflamed. It can be very itchy and can affect other parts of the body, including the face, eyebrows, beard and central chest area.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis symptoms
Symptoms of seborrhoeic dermatitis develop gradually and may include:

* Dry or greasy diffuse scaling of the scalp. This is the most usual presentation.
* Yellow-red scaling on those areas of the body that are generally affected in extreme disease - along the hairline, behind the hairs, on the eyebrows, on the bridge of the nose, over the sternum (middle of the chest), in the creases between the nose and the lips, and inside the ears.

Why it occurs
Seborrhoeic dermatitis affects areas with high densities of large oil glands. The inflammation is caused by the body’s reaction to a yeast on the scalp and to products that break down oil produced by the oil gland.

Cradle cap
Cradle cap is a form of seborrhoeic dermatitis that occurs in newborns. It results in a thick, yellow-crusted scalp lesion. Other symptoms can include:

* Splits in the skin and behind the ears
* Red facial pustules
* Stubborn nappy rash.

Older children can develop thick, stubborn plaques on the scalp, measuring one to two centimetres across.

Factors that can make seborrhoeic dermatitis worse
The incidence and severity of seborrhoeic dermatitis seems to be affected by:

* Other illnesses - for example, patients with neurologic disease (especially Parkinson’s disease) or HIV may have severe seborrhoeic dermatitis.
* Emotional or physical stress.
* Genetic factors.
* The season - seborrhoeic dermatitis is usually worse in winter.

Psoriasis can cause itching scalp
Psoriasis is a relatively common skin condition that affects about three per cent of the population. It is often confined to the scalp, elbows and knees. While seborrhoeic dermatitis tends to involve almost all the scalp, psoriasis often occurs in small, localised patches of redness with quite prominent thick scaling. Because psoriasis may only occur on the scalp, it can be mistaken for a severe case of dandruff. Psoriasis has a genetic link - there is often a family history of the condition. It may be triggered by some form of stress.

Medicated shampoos can help dandruff and itching scalp
Regular washing of the scalp with medicated soaps may be all that is required to relieve itching scalp. The most common anti-dandruff shampoos contain one or more of the following ingredients:

* Tar - shampoos containing tar have been used for years, usually for more severe scalp conditions. In the past, the scent of the tar-based shampoos made them less acceptable. However, newer preparations are well tolerated and simple to use.
* Selenium sulphide.
* Zinc pyrithione or zinc omadine.
* Piroctone olamine - this is the most recent addition to the medicated shampoos. It is known as a 'second generation' anti-dandruff agent. It is less toxic than zinc pyrithione and is therefore safer for family use.
* Antifungal agents.

How often to use medicated shampoos
How often you need to use medicated shampoos will depend on how severe your dandruff is and what treatment you are using. Always read the directions on the shampoo pack before using it. Some products are mild enough to be used every day, while others should only be used once a week. Over time, you will work out how often to use the shampoo to keep your dandruff under control.

Where to get help

* Your doctor
* Your local chemist
* Dermatologist
* Australasian College of Dermatologists website

Things to remember

* Dandruff affects about 50 per cent of the population.
* Itching scalp can be caused by a number of conditions, including dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis and psoriasis.
* Medicated shampoos can be used to treat dandruff and relieve itchy scalp.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Signs of aging and skin cancer

When it comes to our skin, many of us are more concerned with wrinkles, sun spots (also called liver spots), and other signs of aging than skin cancer. But skin cancer is a serious concern. It is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Research indicates that 40 to 50 percent of Americans who live to age 65 will have skin cancer at least once. Luckily, it's easy to manage concerns about signs of aging and skin cancer at the same time. The best way to prevent signs of aging is also the best way to prevent skin cancer: Protect yourself from the sun.

But what about promises of instant youth in a jar? Experts say that over-the-counter creams and lotions can help ease dry skin — which is more common as you age — but they can't turn back time.

Prescription creams, chemical peels, laser treatments, Botox, and other cosmetic procedures are being used to treat sun spots, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. But results vary and some treatments remain unproven. These treatments also don't prevent further damage. So for now, to ward off future signs of aging and lower your risk of skin cancer:

* Avoid the sun when its rays are strongest — between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
* Use sunscreen that has a high SPF number (15 or higher). It should also protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. Experts recommend using sunscreen daily, year-round — especially on your face.
* If you're out in the sun for a long time, protect your ears and scalp with a hat. For extra body protection, wear lightweight long-sleeved shirts and pants.

Checking your skin regularly is a good idea. Tell your doctor right away about skin changes, such as new growths, sores that don’t heal, or changes in the size, shape, color, or feel of an existing mole. Skin changes are not always cancer. But you should have a doctor check out a skin change to be sure. Many types of skin cancer can be cured if found and treated early.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Health Calculators

Keeping body fit is the day-today of the world and nowadays people likes to be fit and healthy. Our fitness retreat program offers some of the helpful tools such as calculators to know your health condition, fitness, weight, calories, alcohol content blood and amount of fat sustained in the body and much more. It helps the people to come up with correct level of exercise and fitness required for the body.

Calories burned calculator

The calorie burner calculator is used to estimate the amount of calories burned during given activity and duration.

Blood alcohol level calculator

Blood alcohol level calculator determines the percentage of alcohol sustained in your bloodstream.

Hip, Waist, Chest Ratio Calculator

Among the different health calculators Hip, waist, chest ratio calculator is the popular most calculators. Hip, waist, chest ratio calculator are designed specifically to measure the waist, hip and chest ratio of the people.

Body Fat Calculator

Body fat calculator is designed to know the percentage of fat in the body. The calculator can be used to know the body fat.

for more information visit http://www.liveinfitnesscamp.com/

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bad Breath, Breath odor, Halitosis

Breath odor is the scent of the air you breathe out of your mouth. Unpleasant, distinctive, or offensive breath odor is commonly called bad breath.


Some disorders will produce specific, characteristic odors to the breath.

Bad breath related to poor oral hygiene is most common and caused by release of sulphur compounds by bacteria in the mouth.

A fruity odor to the breath occurs as the body attempts to get rid of excess acetone through the breathing. This is a sign of ketoacidosisketoacidosis, which may occur in diabetes. It is a potentially life-threatening condition.

Breath that smells like feces can occur with prolonged vomitingvomiting, especially when there is a bowel obstructionbowel obstruction. It may also occur temporarily if a person has a tube placed through the nose or mouth to the stomach to drain the stomach contents (nasogastric tube) in place.

The breath may have an ammonia-like odor (also described as urine-like or "fishy") in people with chronic kidney failurechronic kidney failure.


If previously normal breath turns into halitosis, causes could include:

* Abscessed toothAbscessed tooth
* AlcoholismAlcoholism
* Cavities
* Dentures
* Drugs
o Paraldehyde
o Triamterene and inhaled anesthetics
o Insulin - injection
* Food or beverages consumed (such as cabbage, garlic, raw onions, or coffee)
* Foreign body in the nose (usually in children)
o Often (but not always) there is a white, yellowish, or bloody discharge from one nostril
* Gum disease (gingivitisgingivitis, gingivostomatitisgingivostomatitis)
* Impacted toothImpacted tooth
* Lung infection
* Poor dental hygienedental hygiene
* SinusitisSinusitis
* Throat infection
* Tobacco smoking
* Vitamin supplements (especially in large doses)

Diseases that may be associated with breath odor (not presented in order of likelihood -- some are extremely unlikely):

* Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitisAcute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
* Acute necrotizing ulcerative mucositis
* Acute renal failureAcute renal failure
* Bowel obstruction (can cause breath to smell like feces)
* BronchiectasisBronchiectasis
* Chronic renal failure (can cause breath to smell like ammoniaammonia)
* DiabetesDiabetes (fruity or sweet chemical smell with ketoacidosis)
* Esophageal cancerEsophageal cancer
* Gastric carcinomaGastric carcinoma
* Gastrojejunocolic fistulafistula (fruity-smelling breath)
* Hepatic encephalopathyHepatic encephalopathy
* Diabetic ketoacidosisDiabetic ketoacidosis
* Lung abscessLung abscess
* OzenaOzena, or atrophic rhinitis
* Periodontal diseasePeriodontal disease
* PharyngitisPharyngitis
* Zenker's diverticulumdiverticulum

Home Care

Use proper dental hygiene (especially flossing), and remember that mouthwashes are not effective in treating the underlying problem.

Fresh parsley or a strong mint are often effective ways to fight temporary bad breath. Avoid smoking. Otherwise, follow prescribed therapy to treat the underlying cause.
When to Contact a Medical Professional
When to Contact a Medical Professional

* Breath odor persists and there is not an obvious cause (such as smoking or eating odor-causing foods).
* You have breath odor and signs of a respiratory infection, such as fever, cough, or face pain with discharge from the nose

What to Expect at Your Office Visit

Your doctor will take a medical history and perform a physical examination.

You may be asked the following medical history questions:

* Is there a specific odor?
* Is there a fishy smell?
* Does the breath smell like ammonia or urine?
* Does the breath smell like fruit or is there a sweet-chemical smell?
* Does the breath smell like feces?
* Does the breath smell like alcohol?
* Have you recently eaten a spicy meal, garlic, cabbage, or other "odorous" food?
* Do you take vitamin supplements?
* Do you smoke?
* Does good oral hygiene improve the odor?
* What home care measures have you tried? How effective are they?
* Is there a recent sore throat, sinus infection, tooth abscess, or other illness?
* What other symptoms do you have?

The physical examination will include a thorough examination of the mouth and the nose. A throat culturethroat culture may be taken if you have a sore throat or mouth sores.

In rare cases, diagnostic tests that may be performed include:

* Blood tests to screen for diabetes or kidney failure
* Endoscopy (EGDEGD)
* X-ray of the abdomenX-ray of the abdomen
* X-ray of the chestX-ray of the chest

Antibiotics may be prescribed for some conditions. For an object in the nose, the doctor will use an instrument to remove it.